San Antonio Motorcycle Accident Lawyers
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimated that per mile traveled in 2017, the number of deaths on motorcycles was nearly 27 times the number in cars. A total of 4,985 motorcyclists died in crashes in 2018 alone. Of these 2018 deaths, 60% wore a helmet.
Why Motorcycle Accidents are Deadly
Motorcycle accidents are more deadly than car accidents for a variety of reasons such as:
- The motorcycle’s increased speed.
- The motorcycle provides less protection.
- No seatbelts.
- No airbags.
- No roll cage.
- No protective enclosure like a car.
- The motorcycle weighs less than cars and other large vehicles.
- Motorcycles are more difficult to see than cars or other large vehicles.
- Motorcycles are less stable than cars.
- Non-mandatory helmet laws.
What is Texas’ Motorcycle Helmet Law?
The Texas Department of Transportation states that all riders in Texas under the age of 21 are required to wear a helmet when operating a motorcycle. Riders over 21 may ride without a helmet only if they have completed a safety course or are covered by an applicable insurance plan. However, despite a helmet law existing for people under the age of 21 and for other circumstances, the failure to wear a helmet is a secondary violation. This means that a police officer cannot stop a motorcyclist because he or she is not wearing a helmet.
Contact Stolmeier Law, San Antonio Motorcycle Lawyers
We are San Antonio motorcycle lawyers. Stolmeier Law has over 35 years of experience helping motorcycle and other personal injury victims in San Antonio and South Texas. We have the experience and knowledge to fight the insurance companies and maximize your compensation. So if you or a loved one has bee seriously injured in a motorcycle accident, Contact Stolmeier Law, San Antonio motorcycle lawyers.